Is UV Light Installation Safe and Worth the Investment?

The use of UV lights in HVAC systems can be a great way to keep your home free of germs, allergens, and other contaminants. However, it is important to understand the potential risks and costs associated with installing UV lights in your home. Working with UV lights can be dangerous, so it is best to hire a professional to install them or take some safety precautions if you decide to do it yourself. Adding powerful UV light to your air conditioning system can be expensive and may not be necessary.

It is recommended to replace a Carrier coil-type UV lamp every 9000 operating hours or every year. UV lights are believed to be most effective when directed to the condenser, coils, and other places where moisture accumulates and light shines continuously. Most importantly, the UV lights that most HVAC technicians try to sell you aren't powerful enough to kill even a significant amount of mold spores, bacteria, and viruses that circulate through the system. Between the two UV HVAC light models, the “best” option depends on the system and needs.

As air circulates through your home, it carries germs and allergens that eventually pass through UV light, which disinfects the air as it recirculates through the house. Whether you want to maximize the efficiency of your air conditioning system or avoid the effects of allergens, an UV light is a smart long-term investment. When it comes to UV sterilization, it depends on the power of the UV lamp and how long it stays in contact with the source of mold, bacteria, etc. Unfortunately, there are no statistics on the appreciable reduction of mold or bacteria in the air that passes through a duct illuminated with UV light.

This is likely because a series of lights would be needed along the ducts for there to be enough contact to take effect. The cost of a UV lighting system for heating, ventilation and air conditioning will depend on the size of the system and the type of UV light you choose. UV lights can be beneficial if you have allergies, asthma, smoke in your home, or live in a place where mold can grow. And lastly, UV bulbs aren't even installed in ductwork most of the time.

In conclusion, installing an ultraviolet light system in your HVAC system can be a great way to keep your home free from germs and allergens. However, it is important to understand all of the potential risks and costs associated with this type of installation before making any decisions. It is best to hire a professional for installation or take some safety precautions if you decide to do it yourself.

Alison Largena
Alison Largena

Amateur food scholar. Lifelong food aficionado. Unapologetic coffee evangelist. Proud troublemaker. Certified social media geek. Incurable pop culture practitioner.